Not all antibiotics can be used in pregnancy:

Some drugs also cross into breastmilk.

Detailed information is available in the BNF, and on the UK Teratology Information Service website.

Antibacterials routinely used in Pregnancy

The following antibiotics have decades of extensive use in pregnancy and breastfeeding patients, and are considered generally safe:

| Cell wall agents | • Beta-lactams (Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Carbapenems) • Vancomycin & Teicoplanin | | --- | --- | | Protein Synthesis Blockers | • Gentamicin • Erythromycin • Clindamicin | | Other | • Metronidazole • Standard TB drugs • Topical agents: Mupirocin, Fusidic acid |

For more detail, and for information on other agents, see the table below.


Other antibiotics

The Rationalisation for this Episode

Item Authors DoI/link Notes
List of commonly used ABx GP Notebook
List of ABx that are safe to treat whilst breastfeeding Breastfeeding Network Charity with pretty good advice on breastfeeding
Sepsis in Pregnancy GTG 64a RCOG
A Review of Antibiotic Use in Pregnancy Bookstaver et al Good primer on ABx use in pregnancy, including the old/new FDA classification of risk
Drugs and Lactation Database LactMed
Associations between macrolide antibiotics prescribing during pregnancy and adverse child outcomes in the UK: population based cohort study Fan et al Comprehensive review of macrolides
Safety in Breastfeeding, Infection and infectious diseases UKDILAS: UK Drugs In Lactation Advisory Service[]=3008&cat[]=2980 SPS advisory service on antibiotics in breastfeeding
Let's talk breastfeeding: what clinicians need to know Dr Anastasia Theodosiou Tash’s website!
UKTIS (UK Teratology Information Service) Definitive resource on medicines and pregnancy/breastfeeding
BUMPs (Best Use of Medicines in Pregnancy) UKTIS Patient-facing version of the UKTIS website.