Legionella spp.

Family: Legionellaceae. 52 species and >70 serogroups

Clinical disease = Legionnaires’ disease

<aside> 💡 Legionnaires' Disease:


| Site | Intracellular organism

In environment - found naturally in freshwater 20-42C - parasitise free-living amoeba (e.g. Acanthamoeba and Naegleria) and protozoa Can colonise human-made water systems Able to form biofilms therefore resist disinfectants

Once aerosolised - cause human respiratory tract disease | | --- | --- | | Risk Factors | Age>50 Smokers Chronic lung disease Immunosuppressed host Occupational, e.g. construction Foreign travel

Specific risks: gardeners - longbeachae | | Pathogenic mechanisms | - Enter alveolar macrophages and epithelial cells via phagocytosis.


Case fatality rate 10% |

Lab diagnostics

Species ID (Identify to genus lab in diagnostic labs. To species level in reference lab)

<aside> 💡 Images of Gram and Agar available here: https://microbe-canvas.com/Bacteria/gram-negative-rods/obligate-aerobic-3/oxidase-positive-2/legionella-pneumophila.html
