What is the cell wall?
- Fn: Provides rigidity to prokaryotic cell —> prevents water ingress, swelling + subsequent bursting of bacterial cell
- NB: Eukaryotes rely on sequestering water into vacuoles which are then exocytosed to maintain osmotic status
- Gram + vs Gram -:

G+ cell wall is basically one big block of peptidoglycan with some other proteins anchored in.
G- cell wall in detail:

Periplasmic space = from surface of Cytoplasmic membrane to inside of Outer membrane, i.e. includes the peptidoglycan layer.
Outer membrane: Mostly composed of Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the structure of which is shown below.
- Note WBC TLR4 responds strongly to Lipid A, the lipid component of LPS.
The role of Peptidoglycan
- G+ is 90% Peptidoglycan, G- is ~10%.
- G- cell wall described above: G+ cell wall is basically all
- 2 components, NAM and NAG:
- NAG: N-acetylglucosamine
- NAM: N-acetylmuramic acid
- NAM has a pentapeptide chain, NAG does not. It is this that is cross-linked between peptidoglycan chains.
- These 2 components are laid down alternately in a chain (via transglycosylation);how the chains are cross-linked provides the bacterium with its shape/structure (Cocci, Bacilli, Spirochaete etc).
How does cross linking work?
Also known as transpeptidation: This is what is catalysed by PBPs.
The Pentapeptide chain is composed of 5 amino acids: Alanine, Glutamine, Lysine, Alanine & Alanine

Note that D-glutamine and D-alanine are the only D-form amino acids found in nature (the rest are L-form), and are a feature of bacterial prokarya (i.e. they’re NOT found in Archaean prokarya or Eukaryotes)
- Note only the last 2 Alanine AAs are D-form, the first is L-form.
Cross linking between G+ and G- cell wall:

G-: Peptide bond between L-Lysine residue and terminal D-Alanine of another chain

G+: An interpeptide ‘bridge’ of 5 Glycine residues links L-lysine and D-Alanine of adjacent chains
- End result: Peptidoglycan chains are cross-linked