Overview of glucose nonfermenters
- Type species is S. maltophilia
- 1943: found in pleural fluid; named Bacterium bookeri,
- 1961: renamed Pseudomonas maltophilia,
- eventually became the type species of Stenotrophomonas in 1993
- 14 other Steno spp – all causing OI but otherwise env pathogens
- Commonest carbapenem-resistant, G-neg that causes bacteraemia
- 4th commonest nonfermentor in hospital isolates
- 70% cultured alongside other orgs (Pseudomonas, Enterobacterales, S.aureus)
| Site | - Environment (NB: low virulence)
- Water
- Soil
- Captive snake microbiome! |
| --- | --- |
| Risk Factors | - Immunocompromise
o #1: Haem malignancy (Causes BSI, haemorrhagic LRTI)
- #2: Chronic Resp disease (COPD, CF [1/3 colonised; assc with progressive deterioration], etc)
- Hospital environment:
o Carbapenem use
o Lines/catheters |
| Pathogenic mechanisms | - Biofilm, esp on abiotic surfaces (IV line, Vents etc) + Abnormal lung/trachea
o Multispecies films with Pseudomonas:
o “Steno substantially influences the architecture of P. aeruginosa structures, causing development of extended filaments. These changes arise due to diffusible signalling factor encoded by Steno.”
- Virulence factors
o Inflammatory outer membrane vesicles |
| Clinical syndromes | - HAP/VAP (Mortality 25-75%)
- IV line infection —> BSI (Mortality 20-60%)
- Infections in eye, CNS, liver, bone, soft tissue, GIT
NB: 70% infections are polymicrobial |
Lab diagnostics
- Bug:
- Aerobic
- Straight/slightly curved rod
- Nonsporing
- Motile NLF:
- Agar:
- Standard blood agar
- Colistin-media (DDx: B.cepacia)
- Imi-R = suspect Steno
- Colony:
- Green-yellow
- Some: slight beta-haemolysis
- Ammonia smell
- Species ID
- Biochemical: Cat+, Ox-, Imi-R —> think Steno
- 16S: Poor at telling between:
- Steno
- Achromobacter
- Some Pseudo spp (fluorescens, Jessenii)
- MLST: Mostly for epidemiology work/outbreak Ix.
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing in Steno (is difficult)
- EUCAST: Have only issued breakpoints for Co-trimoxazole and Cefiderocol (sort of).
- USA:
- FDA breakpoints: “FDA recognizes only ceftazidime breakpoints…This is problematic because the FDA has required [AST] systems to use FDA breakpoints…since 2009…Laboratories, therefore, are faced with two options for conducting S. maltophilia cAST: (i) use commercial cAST systems approved prior to 2009 when CLSI breakpoints were allowed on commercial systems or (ii) perform off-label cAST on systems approved after 2009.”
- Also regarding real-world effectiveness of Ceftazidime: given most Steno infections are polymicrobial, was the Ceftazidime just treating the other gram-negatives (e.g. Pseudomonas)?
- CLSI: Agreement with different AST systems is varied:

From Kunz Coyne et al. Percentages are with reference to the gold-standard, broth microdilution