- Bacteraemia = “the presence of bacteria in the blood”
- Septicaemia = “a systemic disease caused by the spread of microorganisms and their toxins via the circulating blood”
- Sepsis = life threatening organ dysfunction causes by dysregulated host response to infection
- Blood Stream Infection (BSI) – includes bacteraemia, also includes fungaemia/ viraemia /parasitaemia.
Sepsis is an old medical term which comes from the Greek 'sepsin' meaning 'to make putrid'
Therefore most correct to use bacteraemia +/- sepsis. BSI also correct.
How does bacteraemia occur (immunology)
Initial entry to host: Body surface e.g. skin, mucous membranes, lung, gut. Or any defect in these such as trauma, viscous perforation.
- Traverse epithelium and surface membrane
- Enter tissue
- Antimicrobial substances e.g. antibodies, complement
- Local macrophages (histiocytes)
- Physical tissue barriers, e.g. hydrated gel matrix. Virulence factors aid in entry
- Lymphatic system
- Conveys microorganisms to lymph nodes with large numbers of phagocytic and immunologic defences
- Invade blood
- The route to achieving this varies. Some invasive organisms due so in an antagonistic approach; disabling/destroying immune response. Others in an immune evasion approach; usually surviving intracellular
- Examples intracellular pathogens Listeria Brucella; also EBV or Rubella. Malaria
- Transient bacteraemia common e.g. when tooth brushing or defecating; but usually filtered out of blood especially in spleen/liver by macrophages
- Certain organisms adapted to multiple in these cells within the “reticuloendothelial system” e.g. Salmonella typhi, Leishmania donovani, Yellow fever
- Travel to other organs
- Organism specific; unclear why
- Leave the body
When to take blood cultures
Anyone who might be bacteraemic (Not just those who are pyrexial)