| ID | ● Clustered GPC (Tend to divide in 3 planes) - DDx: Staph aureus ● Catalase pos / Coag neg / DNAse neg/variable ● Normally identified by biochemistry pattern (VITEK2, API) or MALDI-TOF | | --- | --- | | Clinical syndromes | Low pathogenicity ● OI / Prosthetic material infection

● Pathogenicity caused by:

• There are also ‘animal versions’ of S.aureus:

Coagulase NEGATIVE

Novobiocin-Res: This is a lab antibiotic used to identify S.saprophyticus from other CoNS. DDx: • S.saprophyticus (causes UTI in young women; Rx for 7d) • DDx: S.cohnii, S.sciuri, S.xylosis

Novobiocin-Sens: • Epidermidis group (most pathogenic):

Particular Spp: ● SHAE: Resistant normally to Glycopeptides, Gent, Macrolide ● SSAP: Rx UTI with 7d Trimethoprim, Nitrofurantoin, Quinolone | | AMR | Tend to develop biofilms also → easy colonisation of plastic

Beta-lactam: • 90% CoNS have BlaZ penicillinase • 80R% CoNS have MecA gene → PBP2a

Vancomycin (NB: Esp. S.haemolyticus): • VanA • Peptidoglycan hyperproduction |

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Old prep note available here:

03_Coag-neg Staph.docx